Client of the Year Award

Special Awards category

Client of the Year

The award for ‘Client of the Year’ recognises clients who demonstrably support the work of landscape professionals. Entrants can put forward a client they have worked with on one project or one with whom they have a longstanding relationship.

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Typical entries

Typical entries may include:

  • Clients might include local authorities, government agencies, housebuilders, schools, NHS Trust

Judging criteria

  • Respect for the landscape professional’s vision
  • Stage at which the landscape professional was engaged
  • Support for the landscape professional
  • Willingness to engage

Entry requirements

Submission requirements

This category is free to enter but you must register, as with all other categories.

  • Name of client
  • Entrant details
  • Details of LI professional member proposing the client (name, contact details, LI membership details, list of projects worked on with this client)
  • Covering statement, 250 to 1000 words, addressing the Judging Criteria
  • Images upload: You can upload up to 15 images (JPEG, at least 300dpi) which are relevant and which support the covering statement. These may be featured in promotional material and publicised by the LI. For each image, you will need to provide a brief description, image credit and confirmation that it can be used in publicity.

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