Professional category

Excellence in Landscape Construction

This award celebrates excellence in the implementation of landscape designs on-site. 

It is open to LI members and BALI members.

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What we are celebrating

This award celebrates excellence in the implementation of landscape design on a site, corresponding to plan-of-work stages 4-6.  This could represent an outstanding partnership between a designer and a contractor, or may be the work of a single design-and-build practice, whether they’ve seen the design through from concept, or else picked it up at a later stage. 

It may be any type or size of site, but it must be built-out and signed off by the client.  It celebrates attention to detail in all types of on-the-ground implementation, from product sourcing, contract and project management, construction of hard landscaping elements on site, planting, seeding, laying of turf, and so on. 

The judges will be looking at how these elements come together to produce an outstanding place. 


Judging criteria

This award will be scored by an independent panel of judges against our Judging Criteria:

  • Design 
  • Sustainability 
  • Value 
  • Professionalism 

In selecting an eventual winner, the judges will focus especially on the requirements under the Professionalism criteria and on the degree to which the entry: 

  • provides clear evidence as to how the four key criteria have informed design and implementation
  • has evidence as to how LA has ensured construction meets or exceeds its original brief
  • used materials and construction methods which demonstrate sustainability and awareness of carbon footprint
  • has maximised the potential of collaboration and multi-stakeholder working


To enter this Award:

  • The work may be of any scale
  • Part of the awarded activity must have taken place between July 2020 and July 2022
  • The work must be signed-off by the client 
  • The work may be a stand-alone project or form part of a larger project 

Submitting your entry

This is an online entry.

Make sure you carefully read the How to Enter page for important information about the process and conditions of entry.

You should also read the Judging Criteria and the guide to entering Professional categories for information on eligibility and what you will need to provide in your entry.

Enter this award

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Judge this award

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