Local Landscape Planning
This award recognises landscape studies and activities that have led, guided or influenced planning projects at a local level. Entries should specifically address local or neighbourhood projects and not those outlined in the Landscape Planning & Assessment category.
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Typical entries
Typical entries may include:
- Neighbourhood and local area related landscape studies and appraisals contributing to local development, site development or master planning
- Design codes/guides
- Advice documents
- Planning or development briefs
- Site master plans
- Environmental assessments/appraisals
Judging criteria
- Imaginative concept and development of concept and/or ideas
- Quality of research, investigation and analysis encompassing a number of techniques
- Contextual responsiveness
- Contribution to the art and science of landscape
- Innovative and challenging proposals which have progressed the concept or ideas
- Demonstrate proactive and meaningful community engagement.
Specific requirements for entry
- Study or planning documents. Where there are too many for the submission file limits, choose those most relevant or supply in such a way as to fit the submission requirements
Entry requirements
- Name of scheme
- Entrant details
- Details of LI professional member responsible for production of work
- Client / Owner authority
- Scheme details (client and project team, site information, site size, relevant dates, brief, budget, phasing details)
- Covering statement, up to 600 words, including
- Purpose: describe the project requirements, scope, context, philosophy and intent.
- Role of the landscape professional: describe the precise role and responsibility of the LI professional member and the role of all other significant participants including owner or client.
- Significance: explain the project’s relevance to the client, the profession, the public and the environment. Describe how the project meets the criteria for judging in the appropriate category and why it is worthy of an award.
- Innovation: explain how the scheme is unique or special, together with any unusual or demanding problems which were solved
- Why this scheme deserves to win an award
- List of contractors and partners to be credited in publicity materials if the entry wins an Award
- File upload: Submission document addressing the Specific Requirements for Entry set out above, in PDF format, 100MB max file size. Refer to the Submission Document Requirements on the ‘How to Enter’ page for more details of what to include in this document.
- Images upload: You can upload up to 15 images (JPEG, at least 300dpi) from your submission document, to be featured in promotional material and publicised by the LI. For each image, you will need to provide a brief description, image credit and confirmation that it can be used in publicity.
- Online media: if you have referenced a video or website in your submission, provide the URL